Use Tree Navigation
public final class


extends Object
implements Serializable
   ↳ co.megacool.megacool.SentShareOpenedEvent

Class Overview

A share sent from this device caused the app to be opened by someone else.

Note that this event will not fire when clicking your own links.

See for more details about when different properties are available on the event.


Public Methods
Date getCreatedAt()
The time the share was opened.
String getReceiverUserId()
The userId for the person that opened the share.
Share getShare()
The share that was clicked on, or null.
boolean isFirstSession()
Whether opening the share resulted in an install or a re-engagement for the receiver.
String toString()
Get the event as a String.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public Date getCreatedAt ()

The time the share was opened.

public String getReceiverUserId ()

The userId for the person that opened the share.

  • the receiver's userId.
See Also

public Share getShare ()

The share that was clicked on, or null.

This will be null if the url didn't contain enough information to identify the specific share, but we could identify the receiver.

  • the share, or null if it couldn't be detected.

public boolean isFirstSession ()

Whether opening the share resulted in an install or a re-engagement for the receiver.

Use this to reward the sender for the referral.

  • true if the share resulted in an install, false otherwise.

public String toString ()

Get the event as a String.