BaseEventListener | The base interface for listening to events from the SDK. |
EventListener | The extension point for listening to events emitted by the SDK. |
GifColorTable | Configures how colors in the recording should be represented in the GIF. |
GifImageView | A view that can display a GIF. |
LinkClickedEvent | A link was clicked by the user. |
Megacool | The main interface to the Megacool SDK. |
Megacool.CaptureMethod | Used to specify how captures should be performed. |
Megacool.OnUserIdReceivedListener | Listener to get the user id for this device. |
Megacool.ShareCallback | Listener to get the latest updated list of Share objects in
getShares(ShareCallback) . |
Megacool.ShareFilter | A filter to pass to getShares(ShareCallback, ShareFilter) to only get a
selected types of shares back, like INSTALLED . |
MegacoolConfig | Configure core aspects of the SDK. |
MegacoolFileProvider | This is a helper class to serve media attached to shares from the SDK. |
OverflowStrategy | The overflow strategy chosen for a recording determines how long recordings are compressed down to the target number of frames. |
PreviewData | The data needed to build a preview. |
PreviewFrame | Wrapper for frame data to be shown in a media preview. |
ReceivedShareOpenedEvent | This device clicked on a share sent by someone else. |
RecordingConfig | Customize how a recording is done and how it's encoded into something that can be shared. |
ReferralCode | A referral code is the magic part tacked on to URLs shared through the SDK that allows us to credit a user for inviting others. |
ReferralReceiver | Register this as a <receiver> in your AndroidManifest.xml to get referrals
from the Google Play store. |
SentShareOpenedEvent | A share sent from this device caused the app to be opened by someone else. |
Share | Shares are created when you call share(Activity) . |
ShareActivity | Helper activity used to send share intents. |
ShareConfig | ShareConfig enables you to customize the share created, to link to a specific section in your game, or add additional data for analytics. |
ShareState | Different states a share can be in. |
SharingStrategy | Used to define the preferred sharing strategy when an app accepts a file or text, but not both. |